Monday, April 25, 2011

Annual Mobile Payment Transactions to Reach 45 Billion in 2015

By In-Stat,

The recent proliferation of web-enabled smartphones is acting as a catalyst to push mobile payment transaction volume. In fact, transactions will actually increase at a pace greater than the number of users, as individuals adopt mobile payment solutions for an increasing portion of their payments.  As consumers become more  familiar with mobile payments, and as the number of retailers supporting these solutions increases, the rate of usage will increase exponentially. Thus, it is expected that the number of annual mobile payment transactions will increase to 45 billion in 2015, says In-Stat (

“Despite mobile payments’ perennial failure to launch globally, 2011 will be a significant year for market growth,” says Amy Cravens, Senior Analyst. “It’s the level of interest in mobile payments shown by big players worldwide, including banks, credit card companies, mobile operators, and handset/operating system providers that is largely driving that growth.”

Areas expected to generate significant activity in 2011 include:

  • NFC: 2011 is poised to be the year for NFC as it evolves from a concept to a strategy that is actively being pursued.
  • Mobile web payments:  A big growth area that is highly correlated to smartphone trends.
  • App store billing: Handset manufacturers are partnering with mobile payment providers to enable carrier billing and improve consumer purchase experience and carry through.  
  • Micropayment: Using your mobile phone for small payments by deducting funds from a virtual wallet is gaining momentum.
  • Intersection between payments and other applications: Mobile payment concepts are emerging as a means to improve the consumer shopping experience by communicating information and simplifying the shopping experience.
For detailed report, here is the weblink,

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog and the post seems very informative about mobile payment solution and margin management . Thanks for sharing the post. Keep posting further....!
